May 1st, 2017

May News

Hello everyone! We’re down to the last few weeks of our Spring Semester here at NSMA, and I can tell you, I’m excited for summer!! We have a busy three weeks until our final recital of the school year, our annual Spring Recital, so here are some very important reminders.

Spring Recital: Our annual Spring Recital will be held Sunday May 21st at 3:00pm at Aldersgate Church. All students participating should now be registered for the recital (the $10.00 participation fee will be on your May invoice). All other students, friends and family are welcome to come watch the recital at no cost! Please contact me with any questions you might have.

YES to Lessons: This is your final reminder for the Spring Semester that we DO have lessons on ALL one-day holidays! That does include Sunday 5/14 (Mother’s Day) as it is the final Sunday lesson before our recital.

End of Spring Semester: Saturday 5/20 will be the last day of lessons for the Spring Semester.

Beginning of Summer Semester: Saturday 5/27 will be the first day of lessons for the Summer Semester.

Summer Lessons: All current students wishing to participate in summer lessons should now be registered! I will be sending out confirmation emails this week to confirm you/your student’s lesson day/time. Please make sure you respond to that email!!

Fall Semester Registration: Fall 2017 Registration will be open for continuing students June 1st and be open through June 3oth. ALL CONTINUING STUDENTS (REGARDLESS OF TAKING SUMMER LESSONS OR NOT) MUST BE REGISTERED BY JUNE 30TH TO BE GUARANTEED A SPOT IN MY FALL SEMESTER. Current students will be given the Fall Registration paperwork in lessons the last week of the Spring Semester.

Beginning of Fall Semester: Fall 2017 will begin TUESDAY AUGUST 1ST. Please see Fall Registration documents or contact me for more information.

New Students: If you are a potential new student and are interested in lessons, I will have space available for new students for the Summer Semester. I do have a wait list started for the Fall Semester, please contact me at for more information on NSMA and how to sign up for lessons or for the wait list.

Spring Business Hours: Sat/Sun 12:00-7:00, Mon 1:00-7:00, Tue/Wed 2:00-7:00, closed Thur/Fri. Hours are posted on the front door, please do not come up to the house if it is not during the posted business hours.

Tuition Payment Reminder: Tuition Payments are due the first lesson of every month with a grace period until the 10th of the month. If tuition is received after the 10th of the month, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed. Please drop off your payment downstairs in the studio with your student at lesson, send the payment in the mail or you can drop it off anytime in the secure white drop box attached to the mailbox. Please do not come up to the house to drop off payment if it is not during your student's lesson time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Music Around Town:

Juneau Jazz & Classics will be holding their 31st annual music festival May 5-20 this year. Tickets and more information are available on their website,

JDHS will be performing the musical “Whistle Down the Wind” May 11, 12 & 13. Many current and former NSMA students will be featured performers in this production! Tickets and more information are available at Hearthside Books, from students and at the door.

Juneau Lyric Opera will be performing ‘Afternoon of Ave Marias’ May 21. Tickets and more information are available on their website,

The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council has a running list of community activities available online at

That's all for now! Thank you all for continuing to make music an important part of your life!!