June 1st, 2018
June News
Hello everyone and welcome to our 2018 Summer Semester here at NSMA! I’m looking forward to meeting new students as well as seeing familiar faces for those students continuing through the summer. Below are some important reminders for this month.
Construction: We have now started construction on our new studio facility!! All students, parents and guardians – please be very careful when arriving to and leaving from lessons. No small children should be walking up/down the driveway without an adult present with them at all times. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the construction process.
YES to Lessons: We DO have lessons on Memorial Day Monday May 28th and Father’s Day Sunday June 17. Please contact me ASAP if you/your student will not be attending lessons on either day, the normal cancelation policy will still apply.
Beginning of Summer Semester: The beginning of the 2018 Summer Semester is Saturday May 26th. The Summer Semester runs through Sunday August 19th.
2018 Fall Semester: The 2018 Fall Semester begins Monday August 20th. Pre-registraiton for continuing current students will begin July 1st. Pre-registration for continuing students ends July 31st. Registration documents will be emailed July 1st, so please make a note of that date, especially if you're taking the summer off!
Tuition Payment Reminder:Â Tuition Payments are due the first lesson of every month with a grace period until the 10th of the month. If tuition is received after the 10th of the month, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed. Please drop off your payment downstairs in the studio with your student at lesson, send the payment in the mail or you can drop it off anytime in the secure white drop box attached to the mailbox. Please do not come up to the house to drop off payment if it is not during your student's lesson time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Business Hours: Saturday 12:30-4:30pm, Sunday 2:00-7:00pm, Monday 12:00-7:30pm, closed Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri. Please do not come up to the door if it is not your student's lesson time or regular business hours, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
New Students for the 2018 Summer Semester: I will have openings for new students for the 2018 Spring Semester, please contact me at megan.e.felts@gmail.com for more information on registering for lessons! I also have a short wait list started for those interested in lessons but are unable to make the times I have available as well as a wait list for the 2018 Fall Semester.
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