September 1st, 2014
September News
Hello everyone! Welcome to the fall semester here at NSMA – it has been great seeing all of the returning students and so nice to meet the new students! We are now in full swing with lessons and we’re already gearing up for our first recital. Yes, you heard that right, our first recital of the school year is next month! Read on for more information on recitals as well as other updates and reminders.
Halloween Recitals:Â We will be having our annual Halloween Recitals at UAS on Sunday October 26th at 2:00 and 4:30pm. Registration for the Halloween Recitals will open one month prior to the recitals. Students will be required to dress in costume to match their recital song – always a fun tradition! Please mark the recital date on your calendars!!Â
Sunday/Monday Holidays: We DO have lessons on ALL Sunday/Monday holidays. We also have lessons on all teacher inservice days and on parent teacher conference days. Please do not assume we have any one day holidays off from lessons – if you are unsure, please contact me or check my online calendar on my website. Please mark your calendars accordingly.
Fall Business Hours: Saturdays/Sundays/Mondays/Tuesdays 12:00-7:00pm and Wednesdays 2:00-7:00pm. I will hold lessons, have meetings, answer emails and phone calls during this time. Please do not come up to the house if it is not during posted business hours. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Tuition Payment Reminder:Â Tuition Payments are due the first lesson of every month with a grace period until the 10th of the month. If tuition is received after the 10th of the month, a $10.00 late fee will be assessed. Please drop off your payment with your student at lesson, send the payment in the mail, or you can drop it off anytime in the secure white drop box attached to the mailbox. Please do not come up to the house to drop off payment if it is not during your student's lesson time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
New Students:Â If you are a potential new student and are interested in lessons, my schedule for the fall is currently full and I have a wait list started. Please contact me at for more information on NSMA and how to sign up on the wait list for lessons.
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