December 3rd, 2011
December News
Hello everyone! December is now here and the holiday season has officially started! We’re in the final stretch of getting ready for our Winter Holiday Recitals and I’m very proud of how hard everyone is working on their songs!
Winter Holiday Recitals: Our recitals will be Sunday, Dec. 11 at 1:00pm and 3:30pm. Everyone should now have an assigned recital time. Recitals will be held at the UAS Egan Lecture Hall and we will be having receptions after each recital to celebrate. Please bring a food dish to share – email or call me with any questions!
Winter Break: We will be having a 2-week break for the holidays. There will be NO LESSONS Dec. 18-Jan. 2. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the winter break.
If you are a potential new student, NSMA is currently fully booked, but we do have a wait list started for new students. Please contact me for more information on the wait list and how to get your name on it!
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