September 1st, 2018

September News

Hello everyone! Welcome to 2018’s Fall Semester here at NSMA, it has been wonderful seeing everyone back to lessons over the past two weeks! We’ve got a jam-packed fall lined up with lessons and two recitals, so I’m very excited to keep this great momentum going! Below are a few important reminders regarding the 2018 Fall Semester:

Construction: We are still working on our new studio facility, I hope to have construction completed by early to mid-October. I will keep everyone updated on the progress and inform all clients when we are ready to make the move to the new facility. All students, parents and guardians – please be very careful when arriving to and leaving from lessons. No small children should be walking up/down the driveway without an adult present with them at all times. Please continue to use the white drop box for all payments outside of your/your student's lesson time, but please do be careful of the construction equipment. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the construction process.

2018 Fall Registration for New Students: I have very limited openings for new students for the 2018 Fall Semester. Please contact me at or (907) 500-7455 for more information.

Halloween Recital: The first recital of the 2018 Fall Semester will be our Halloween recital, which will be held on Sunday October 28th at 3:00pm. There is a $15.00(+tax) per performing student recital fee. Recital registration paperwork will be handed out to students and emailed the first week of September, please register you/your student for the recital no later than September 20th. Recital performance fees will be added on to your October invoice. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Tuition Payment Reminder: Tuition payments are due the first lesson of every month with a grace period until the 10th of the month. If tuition is received after the 10th of the month, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed. Please drop off your payment downstairs in the studio with your student at lesson, send the payment in the mail or you can drop it off anytime in the secure white drop box attached to the mailbox. Please do not come up to the house to drop off payment if it is not during your student's lesson time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Fall Update Letter: Last month I sent out the Fall Update Letter with important information and dates for the 2018/19 school year. It is also available for download under the Current Students/Documents tab. Important dates are also listed under the Current Students/Calendar tab.

Business Hours: Saturday/Sunday 12:00-7:15pm, Monday 1:30-7:00pm, Tuesday 12:15-7:00pm, Wednesday 3:00-7:00pm, closed Thursday/Friday. Please do not come up to the door if it is not your student's lesson time or regular business hours, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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