July 1st, 2023

July News

Hello everyone! We’re nearing the half-way point of summer here at NSMA – it is going by way too fast!! Below are some very important reminders for this month, including 2023 Fall Registration!

2023 Summer Semester: The Summer Semester begins Monday June 5th and the Fall Semester begins Sunday August 13th.

Summer Holidays: There ARE lessons on ALL Sunday and Monday holidays. We DO NOT have lessons on Tuesday July 4th. Other than that, please do not assume we have any one-day holidays off from lessons – if you are unsure, please contact me as soon as possible. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

2023 Fall Semester: Registration for continuing students (regardless of if they are taking summer lessons or not) begins July 1st and goes through July 31st. Please be on the lookout for those registration emails! We will also have room available for new students for the fall semester, so if you’re looking ahead please do contact me to get on the email list.

Online Lessons Reminder: I am officially discontinuing all online lessons! I am happy to be back to 100% in-person lessons and feel that music making and learning are best done in-person!

MASKS: Masks are now optional! As long as the student is healthy and free of symptoms, masks are optional. We ask that students who are sick with more than minor symptoms stay home (fever, bad cough, throwing up, etc.), students with minor symptoms of a cough or runny nose can attend lessons, but we do ask that they wear a mask while symptomatic.

Tuition Payment Reminder: Tuition payments are due at the first lesson of every month with a grace period until the 10th of the month. If tuition is received after the 10th of the month, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed. Please drop off physical payments with your student at lesson, send in the mail or you can drop it off any time in the secure white drop box attached to the studio entrance. Please do not come up to the studio to drop off payment if it is not your student’s lesson time, and please do not come up to the main house for any reason. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

New Students: We have a few openings that will be available for the 2023 Summer Semester! We will will also have openings for new students for the fall semester. Please contact us at megan.e.felts@gmail.com or (907) 500-7455 for more information.

Music Around Town:

Juneau Drag will be hosting their monthly drag brunch on 7/1. Tickets and more information are available on their website www.juneaudrag.com.

Theatre in the Rough will be performing “She Kills Monsters” 7/21-8/13. Tickets and more information are available on their website www.theatreintherough.org.

Perseverance Theater will be hosting their annual STAR program for kids this July/August. Visit their website www.ptalaska.org for more information.

The JAHC Community Calendar has plenty more opportunities for performances, First Friday events and a host of other fun – www.jahc.org/box-office/community-calendar/.