March 1st, 2019

March News

Hello everyone! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring to be here, even if the fortunes of weather haven’t figured that out yet! We’re heading into our first recital of 2019, the Student’s Choice Recital, this month. And then just after that is Spring Break! I think this month is going to fly by, so here are some important reminders for March.

March Recital: Our annual Students' Choice Recital will be 2010-Present themed this year. The recital will be on Sunday March 10th at 3:00pm at Aldersgate Church. The $15.00 per student performance fee has been added to the March invoices of those participating, no cost to attend as an audience member. PLEASE NOTE: there will be no lessons held on recital dates – AND March 10 is Spring Forward for Daylight Savings, please set your clocks accordingly. Please contact me with any questions.

Spring Break 2019: There will be optional lessons held during the Juneau School District Spring Break March 16-24. By now everyone should have contacted me regarding their Spring Break plans. Please contact me ASAP if anything changes or if you have any questions!!

Yes To Lessons: We DO have lessons on all one-day holidays, including St. Patrick’s Day Sunday 3/17.

New Students: We have very limited availability for new students for the 2019 Spring Semester! Please contact us today at or (907) 500-7455 for more information on how to get registered for lessons or to be placed on the wait list for new openings or for the 2019 Summer Semester.

Tuition Payment Reminder: Tuition payments are due the first lesson of every month with a grace period until the 10th of the month. If tuition is received after the 10th of the month, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed. Please drop off your payment with your student at lesson, send the payment in the mail or you can drop it off anytime in the secure white drop box attached to the mailbox. Please do not come up to the studio to drop off payment if it is not during your student's lesson time, and please do not come up to the main house at any time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Business Hours: Saturday 12:00-7:15pm, Sunday 12:00-7:30pm, Monday 12:30-7:30pm, Tuesday 12:15-7:00pm, Wednesday 1:30-7:00pm, closed Thursday/Friday.

Music Around Town:

The Juneau Symphony will be holding their Symphony Showcase March 2 & 3. More information and tickets are available on their website,

Perseverance Theater will be performing the musical “Guys & Dolls” March 15 – April 14. More information and tickets are available on their website,

The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council has a running list of community activities available online at

That's all for now! Thank you all for continuing to make music an important part of your life!!