June 1st, 2015

June News

Hello everyone! Welcome to summer, I’m hoping this beautiful weather we’ve been having continues! We had wonderful performances at our fifth annual Spring Recitals last month, congratulations to all who performed. NSMA is on a lighter schedule for the summer months, but here are a few important reminders.

Summer Business Hours: For June – Saturdays 12:00-4:00pm, Sundays 12:00-7:00pm, Mondays 12:00-7:00pm, closed all other days. For July – Sundays 12:00-7:00pm and Mondays 12:00-7:00pm and closed all other days.

Summer Semester: The first day of the 2015 Summer Semester will be Saturday May 30th. The summer semester will end Monday August 3rd.

Fall Semester: The 2015 fall semester will begin Saturday August 22nd. All 2015 Spring NSMA students who are interested in returning to lessons in the fall (regardless of whether they are taking summer lessons or not) will be given priority registration that will begin July 1st and end July 31st.

New Students: If you are a potential new student and are interested in lessons, I will have a few openings for starting in June for the summer semester. Please contact me at megan.e.felts@gmail.com for more information on NSMA and how to sign up for lessons, or how be put on the wait list for the fall semester.

Music Around Town:

The Juneau Symphony will be performing June 13 & 14. NSMA student Lily Otsea will be a featured performer. Tickets and more information is available on their website, www.juneausymphony.org.

Opera To Go will be holding a two-day Alaska Composers Festival with special guest David Maslanka June 20 & 21. Tickets are more information is available on their website, www.operatogo.net.

Perseverance Theatre’s STAR program for kids 10-18 will be June 29 – August 2. More information is available on their website, www.perseverancetheatre.org.

The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council has a running list of community activities available online at www.jahc.org.

That's all for now! Thank you all for continuing to make music an important part of your life!!