June 14th, 2013

June News

Hello everyone! What an amazing June we’ve been having – I’ve been having utterly too much fun in the sun to do this update when I normally do!! We are now fully into summer lessons and I’m enjoying meeting new students and seeing continuing students again after several weeks off.

Summer lessons are June 1 – August 19, Fall lessons will start August 20. I will be sending out Fall Registration information in the beginning of July, all 2012-2013 current students (except for those who started this summer) will be given priority registration for fall lessons. Students who start this summer will be given fall registration opportunities in the beginning of August if there is space available.

Summer Cancelation Policy Reminder: Students who are going to miss lessons for family trips/vacations must give written or emailed cancellation notice by the 20th of each month for the next month's lessons (ex: student will be gone June 18, so the cancellation notice is required by May 20th). Failure to give notice by the 20th will result in forfeiture of the lesson(s) and the lesson(s) will not be made up or reimbursed (this does not include those lessons canceled due to serious injury or illness). Those who give cancellation notice by the 20th of each month will either have their lesson made up, if possible, or will not be charged for any canceled lessons on that month's invoice.

Reminders: Please do not come up to the house if it is not during business hours. Business hours for the summer are Saturdays 12:00-7:00pm and Mondays 12:00-7:00pm. NSMA is closed all other days. If you need to drop off a check, there is a white, secure drop box attached to the mailbox post. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as this is not only my place of business, it is also my home.

If you are a potential new student and are interested in lessons, I do have openings available for summer lessons. Please contact me at megan.e.felts@gmail.com for more information on NSMA and how get signed up for summer lessons or sign up on the wait list for fall lessons.

Music Around Town:

The Juneau Symphony will be performing a special ‘Motown’ show with Motown singing group ‘Spectrum’ Saturday June 15 8:00pm at Centennial Hall. Tickets available at Hearthside Books, the JACC and online at www.juneausymphony.org.

The Juneau Cabaret will be performing Sunday June 23rd 6:00pm Upstairs at the Rockwell. Food and drinks will be available for purchase at this fun, family-friendly event. Yours truly will be performing, as well as NSMA students Ricci Adan, Stefanie Callos, Sarah Penrose, and Asia Ver.

The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council has a running list of community activities available online at www.jahc.org.

That's all for now! Thank you all for continuing to make music an important part of your life!!