Private music lessons for children and adults in Juneau, Alaska
April 8th, 2011
Hello everyone! April is here, and that means we are in serious practice mode for our North Star Music Academy May Recitals! The recitals are Saturday, May 14th and Sunday May 22nd, so if you have not yet registered for a recital, please do so asap. There will also be an optional recital rehearsal Saturday, May 7th, so if you are interested in signing up and haven’t done so yet, please do that soon!
North Star Music Academy is currently fully booked with 55 students, but if you are a new potential student and are thinking about signing up for lessons, I do have a wait-list started! Please contact me to find out more information on how the wait-list works and how to get your name on it.
Reminders: We DO have lessons on ALL early release days and on ALL Monday holidays! If you are unsure about whether you have a lesson or not on a certain day, please call or email me to double-check!
April Vocal Workshop: NSMA is putting together another vocal workshop Sunday, April 10 3:00-6:00pm. This workshop is open to all of my voice students. All students who are participating should have registered by now, please let me know if you have any questions!
Summer Lessons: Information regarding summer lessons has been put up on the website under New Students (Studio Policies & Registration) and Current Students (Documents). I have also emailed a letter to all students regarding summer lessons and will be handing out the letter in hard-copy at lessons. Please read over this information and let me know what your plans are regarding summer lessons!
Music Around Town:
Juneau Lyric Opera is having a workshop “Singing With An Accompanist” with Tom Locher and Kari Groven. More information is available on their website,
Juneau Lyric Opera is having a “Director’s Workshop” Saturday April 30 and Sunday May 1 with Hal Ryder. More information is available on their website,
The Alaska Folk Festival will be held Monday April 11-Sunday April 17. More information is available on their website,
That's all for now! Thank you all for continuing to make music an important part of your life!!