July 2nd, 2011

July News

Hello everyone! Summer lessons are now in full swing – I hope you all are enjoying the summer as much as I am! All summer lesson slots have been taken, but if you are a potential new student please contact me as I do have a wait-list started!

Reminders: There will be no lessons Monday, July 4th.

More Reminders: Later this month I will be sending out notices via email and in person regarding Fall Registration. Current students – PLEASE get the registration information to me as quickly as possible and in the given time-line if you wish to continue lessons and secure your requested lesson time slot! Fall lessons will begin Monday, August 22nd.

Please note: I do have a wait-list started for the fall, so again, if you are a potential new student, please contact me to find out more information on how the wait list works and how to get your name on it!

Music Around Town:

Juneau Lyric Opera’s Broadway Splash Workshop will be performing at Holy Trinity Church on July 9 7:30pm and July 10 3:30pm. Yours truly will be one of the performers at this event, so feel free to swing by and enjoy one of the shows! Tickets are available online through their website, www.juneauopera.org, and also at the door.

Juneau Lyric Opera’s Mid-Summer Vocal Workshop will be held at Northern Light United Church July 31-Aug.12 with a performance on Aug. 13 7:30pm. Those wishing to perform can register at the first rehearsal, and those wishing to attend the performance can purchase tickets through their website and at the door.

Perseverance Theatre will be holding their STAR program July 11-August 13. Please visit their website for more information, www.perseverancetheatre.org.

The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council has a running calendar with an amazing array of communities events. Please visit www.jahc.org for more information.

That’s all for now! Thank you all for continuing to make music an important part of your life!!