These are the Studio Policies for the 2024-2025 school year.

Tuition Payments:

I accept checks, cash, money orders, cashier’s checks, and I also offer free online bank to bank transfer through your QuickBooks invoice. SORRY, NO CREDIT OR DEBIT CARDS. Tuition is due monthly; payment is due the first lesson of each month but no later than the 10th day of the month. Payments can be mailed to the studio, sent with the student, or dropped off in the white drop box attached to the mailbox. There is a $25.00 late fee for payment received after the 10th of the month. In the rare cases where the first lesson that I offer in the month is after the 10th of the month, the grace period is extended to the 15th of the month.

If tuition has been paid late two (2) months in a row, the grace period will no longer be allowed and tuition will be due at the first lesson of every month, no exceptions or extensions. Failure to pay tuition at the first lesson of the month in this case will result in no lesson that day and the student will be sent home, and lessons will be suspended until payment has been received. There is a $25.00 fee for returned checks. I reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate lessons for nonpayment.

Tuition for continuing students for the first month of the fall semester must be paid in advance, due by August 10th, prior to the first lesson of the semester. The tuition invoice will be emailed with the student’s registration confirmation on August 1. If payment has not been received by August 10th, the student’s spot is forfeited. Those students taking summer lessons and continuing in the fall will have one invoice that will include all lessons in August and that will be due the first lesson of the month as normal.

Please note: All new students are required to pay the first invoice in advance and within 5 business days of the registration email or at the first lesson (whichever is first), or the student’s spot is forfeited.


There is a $25.00 per student per semester administration fee, $15.00 for the summer semester. Voice students will also have a $25.00 per student per semester fee for unlimited vocal sheet music, $15.00 for the summer semester. These fees will be added to the first invoice of each semester.

Termination or Suspension of Lessons:

If a student terminates lessons for any reason, four weeks’ notice prior to the last lesson and payment for the last four lessons (whether attended or not), is required. There are no makeup lessons once termination notice has been given nor any other form of makeup for any lessons missed by the student after termination notice has been given. Students returning after suspending lessons are put on the schedule on a space available basis. 


Piano students must have a piano or keyboard at home to practice on – you MUST have a piano/keyboard prior to the first lesson. I will use many different books and sheet music. If you already have music, please bring it in and we will try to start using it. I will try to use sheet music along with method books for variety. I will shop for books on behalf of the student to ensure the proper materials are obtained. Book payments will be due before the students take the books home. Vocal students must have access to a CD player and/or the Internet for practicingSingers will need a three-ring binder in which to keep their sheet music and should bring water to each lesson, students may purchase 3-ring binders on their own or I will provide one and add the cost to the tuition invoice.

Lesson Schedule / Missed / Canceled Lessons:

Music lessons are given on a tuition basis, as these are individual lessons, part of the tuition price ensures that clients have a specific day/time reserved for lessons and that I will not give away that time slot to another student. Invoices are sent on a monthly basis and clients are charged for all of the lessons that I offer in any given month, regardless of whether the student will attend the lesson or not. It is also important to ensure that students are dedicated to lessons and will do their best to attend all lessons offered each month so that progress is made.

There are NO refunds/reimbursements/credits/no charges for canceled lessons on the student’s part (family/school/sports trips or attending other activities are NOT exempt from this policy and those lessons will still be charged for as normal). This does not apply in cases of severe illnesses that will impede the ability of the student to play the instrument or attend the lesson for an extended period of time (i.e.: a broken arm or wrist, etc.). I do try to get in makeup lessons when I can, however, there are NO GUARANTEED MAKEUP LESSONS as the schedule is too tight for that flexibility.

Students who ‘no-show’ (i.e.: missing a lesson and not notifying the instructor prior) are not given any makeup lesson and there is no reimbursement (THIS INCLUDES NO-SHOWING FOR ONLINE LESSONS). Lessons missed by the instructor will be rescheduled, if possible, or you will be reimbursed. I do require a courtesy phone call/email if you are going to be more than 10 minutes late to your lesson (INCLUDING ONLINE LESSONS). Students who are more than 10 minutes late and do not call will forfeit the remainder of their lesson. In this case, there will be absolutely no makeup lesson at all. Please put my phone number in all cell phones for this reason!!


I observe the following holidays: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve/Day, and the 4th of July. All other school and business holidays I do not observe. There ARE lessons on ALL other Monday and Sunday holidays, including Labor Day, Halloween, Veteran’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

No lessons will be taught on the following dates: NOV 28, DEC 20-31, JAN 1-7.

My business hours are Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 12:00-7:00pm. I will hold lessons, meetings, am available for pick up/drop off of materials, and will respond to phone calls and emails during those times in the studio building. Any phone calls/emails received outside of those times will be returned within 24-48 hours or on the next business day. Please do not come to the studio during non-business hours and please do not come up to the main house at any time as that is my private residence.


Students are required to practice and complete their assignments every week. Aside from obvious musical benefits, practicing will help a child develop self-discipline, persistence, and devotion. On average I require students to practice 5-6 days per week for 20-30 minutes per day (depending on age and attention span). At a minimum I require 4 days of practice a week (not including lesson days). It will be helpful if you schedule a practice session into your daily activities. If practicing only happens when a student has some free time or feels like it, chances are it won’t happen consistently. Please allow for a quiet environment for practicing so the student can focus on what he or she is practicing.  Remember: practicing should not be a daily chore (although I understand that it sometimes can be), but rather a time for making music. Parents of students are encouraged to come to the last five minutes of the lessons so I can briefly explain what your child needs to practice for the week. Lesson time may also be used for parent/teacher conferences as needed.

In Closing:

Please make sure your student is inside the studio before you drive away. Lessons begin at their scheduled time, so please be prompt – late students will not be granted extra time at the end of their lessons as lessons are scheduled back to back. There is a “shoes off” policy; students may take their shoes off inside the entryway where they will stay warm and dry. There is no need to knock, please enter quietly as there will most likely be a lesson in progress. There is a NO GUM policy for all students. North Star Music Academy welcomes ALL who wish to study music and does not discriminate based on gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic status. We hope to create a welcoming and safe environment for all to learn and enjoy music.

Thank you for choosing to include music in your life! Music is truly an amazing gift, and I look forward to sharing this gift with you and your family! Welcome back to North Star Music Academy!

*I reserve the right to change these guidelines at any time.