Private music lessons for children and adults in Juneau, Alaska
Fall 2024 Business Hours (August through December):
Sunday – 12:00-7:30pm
Monday – 12:00-7:30pm
Tuesday – 12:00-7:00pm
Wednesday – 2:00-6:00pm
Thursday – 1:00-6:00pm
Friday – CLOSED
Saturday – CLOSED
I will hold lessons, meetings, am available for pick up/drop off of materials, and will respond to phone calls and emails during those times in the studio building. Any phone calls/emails received outside of those times will be returned within 24-48 hours or on the next business day.
Please enter quietly as a lesson may be in progress. Please do not come up to the studio if it is not during posted business hours (hours are posted on the front door). If you need to drop off a check, there is a secure white drop box attached to the outside of the studio entrance. Please do not at any time come up to the main house as that is my private residence. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
I observe the following holidays: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve/Day, and the 4th of July. All other school and business holidays I do not observe. There ARE lessons on ALL other Monday and Sunday holidays, including Labor Day, Halloween, Veteran’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
No lessons will be taught on the following dates: NOV 25, DEC 23-31, JAN 7, JULY 4