Welcome to North Star Music Academy!

Here at North Star Music Academy we work towards the balance between learning and fun. I feel that a steady progression and the improvement of musical skills is extremely important, and I strive to create a place where we can achieve the educational goals in a positive, supportive environment.

When students enjoy and are excited by their music and instruments, they will work at improving their technical skills. Musical progression can create a great sense of accomplishment and improve self confidence. These successes make the learning process an enjoyable one for personal growth as well as for the sake of the music itself.

North Star Music Academy welcomes ALL who wish to study music and does not discriminate based on gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic status. We hope to create a welcoming and safe environment for all to learn and enjoy music.

Fall 2024 Business Hours (August through December):

Sunday – 12:00-7:30pm

Monday – 12:00-7:30pm

Tuesday – 12:00-7:00pm

Wednesday – 2:00-6:00pm

Thursday – 1:00-6:00pm

Friday – CLOSED

Saturday – CLOSED

NSMA Code of Conduct:

By entering this studio you agree:

  • This is a safe place for all who want to learn music.
  • We do not ever judge or put down others.
  • We always encourage and uplift our fellow musicians.
  • We do not compare ourselves to others, we are each on our own journey. It is ok if our journeys are different, that is what makes us unique.
  • We know that everyone is capable of learning and we embrace the learning process.
  • We are not perfect, we understand that perfect does not exist, and being imperfect is absolutely okay – it is what makes us human.
  • Remember to laugh and enjoy the process!!